Monday, August 12, 2013

Project Runway Season 11 Episode 11

In this episode the designers were tasked to create a "fashion forward, editorial" cover look for Marie Claire (yawn, rehash of past challenges) cover girl Jordana Brewster (yawn again, the ugly one from Dallas). The requirements for the challenge as listed by Nina:
  1. No red carpet looks
  2. No gowns
  3. No t-shirts and trousers
  4. Has to be editorial
  5. Bold - in colour/shape/silhouette/something!
and on that note, the designers were duly warned:


Easy, right?

As usual I am annoyed by Layana and this annoyance was exacerbated in the previous episode when our Brazilian diva turned on the waterworks in the green room lamenting that she should take credit for Daniel's work. Just shut up, Layana! No one cares. I hate Richard as well but at least he says entertaining things instead of grate on my nerves. What's up with accent? I have Brazilian friends who don't speak as annoyingly as you do. 

Oh, and did I mention that this episode has no more teams? Rejoice! I hated the team theme of this season, I think teams are boring and create unnecessary drama that I, as the viewer, do not really care for. The best Project Runway moments are when the designers comment on other designers creations (Anthony season 7?) or when they come up with their own funny quips (Christian season 4 "fierce, ferosh, hot tranny mess", Santino season 2 "What happened to Andre?"). Nothing good ever comes out of drama, and I have a tendency to fall asleep on those episodes (Layana and Daniel season 11, Josh and Becky season 9 - which btw I am totally Team Josh. Becky is frumpy and dowdy and Josh was just being honest but this deserves a post of its own)

I digress. Back to the episode:
The designers are allowed to pick their sewing assistants and Stanley picks Tu as his. Now I don't know if anyone has picked up on this trend but is it me or does anyone else think that the other designers perceive poor Tu as some sort of Asian factory worker? Yes, I know the fella is Thai but Tu come on! Don't play into the 'submissive obedient hardworking Asian' stereotype! It's why you were eliminated in the first place! As Stanley put it very succinctly in episode 7 when Kate chose Tu, "when she gives him something to do, he'll do it". Sigh.

Michelle picks Amanda (surprise!), Daniel picks Samantha, Layana gets Kate and poor Patricia is landed with Richard, whom nobody wanted in the first place. Best quote: "I don't have a prayer left in the moment. I don't ever remember how to pray anymore." - Patricia.

Onto the runway!
Patricia: SNOOZEFEST. Its a shapeless blue toga with two strips of suede fringe. Frankly it looks like a Native American costume made for Wilma Flintstone. 

Layana: As much as I hate her, her outfit was the best of the bunch. It was new, it was editorial, it was something different.

Stanley: BOOOOOORING! Jacket, tank top and those awful large trousers - yuck!

Daniel: I actually liked this look. Sure it was bright, sure it had exaggerated shoulders but it looked semi-cute.

Michelle: Refer to Nina's rule #3.

Conclusion: Nobody is eliminated. I don't like the winner. Boring and unmemorable episode. Next we're headed to Europe! (my turf)

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